Thursday, April 15, 2010

Love-hate relationships

Hatred and love are opposite sides of the same coin as long as love is conditional. Love can flip into hatred the moment we feel that our expectations are threatened. In love of this type, it remains love only as long as the conditions remain as expected. The moment the conditions change, the love also changes.

Often what we believe as love is actually related to time and space. So long as the distance between lovers is large and the time of contact is minimal, they feel love towards each other. However, once they get closer and spend more time together, they feel that they are not so much in love after all! That is why they say ‘familiarity breeds contempt’. Familiarity can also convert love into hatred. To transcend both love and hatred, we first need to drop expectations. Expectation is the first enemy of love.


  1. Oops! I found my answer right here - now, can't withdraw my earlier question...anyway, I will rather ask another question...I can drop the expectation but what do I do when the other party can not and especially, I can't fulfil that expectation and she gets mad on me? I drop the whole matter and be happy myself but at the cost of her frustration!...then I feel bad.

  2. Urmish,
    Thanks for your comment.

    Your transformation has the power to allow and inspire the transformation of people around you.

    Please look into "Living Enlightenment", the book ( and the various discourses on love ( for answers to all your questions.




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