Thursday, April 15, 2010

Love Makes Life Auspicious!

If you fall in love with something, suddenly you will see anything connected to that object or person is auspicious. If you fall in love with something in your life, you will realize anything connected to that person or that object will be auspicious.

Let me tell you a small incident, I have seen in my life. I have a small car to travel in India. My disciples tell me – 'anywhere we see that car, we do namaskar swamiji. We don’t know who is traveling in that car, we don’t know who is going in that car, anywhere we see that car, we just feel so much of joy. Just that car is enough to create so much joy in us'. Not one or two people, so many devotees have told this to me. There are some devotees who came and told me, ‘When I came to your program, I saw people bowing down to my car.’ I went and asked them, ‘Why were they bowing down to my car?’ They said, ‘Our Swamiji uses the same type of car!’

Ramakrishna says, ‘Even some people come from the same village of the Master, you will feel something connected.’ There is a beautiful saying. When you fall in love with something, that object looks like God for you. Understand, when you feel connected, when you fall in love, whatever happens will become auspicious, it will look auspicious, it will look holy, sacred,mangala.

In your life also you can see sometimes you feel everything is great; whatever is happening around you is great. When you are filled, when you are overflowing, when you are fulfilled with energy, when you fall in love, even stone looks like God. When you don’t feel connected, even if God comes in front of you, you will ask for ID card. If the connection happens, even in front of stone you will feel the divine presence; then even stone is enough to awaken the divinity, the divine presence in your life, in your being.

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