Friday, April 16, 2010

What is love?

All the energies which move the cosmos, the very force, very life, very energy, which is cosmos, can be called as love.

I will talk about different dimensions of love – how love has become this matter and how the love resides as energy inside this matter and how love activates as energy the matter and how love makes matter to move.

I can say, the beginning and continuous flow and end, everything is love.

The very life force is love. The different levels and different dimensions of love, if we understand, you can understand in which level you are. In which dimension of love you are experiencing, in which level we need to move, which dimension we need to experience and how our being can become more and more blissful and spiritual, experiential. That is the main thing.

The first reason why we don’t experience the experience in its purest form is the senses are impure. Please understand, all our senses have lost its purity. You can see in your life, the ability to smell is lost, how the animals have the ability to see in the night is lost. See, human system is the best possible system which has all possible intelligence put together. Even animal is able to see in the night. If our system is much better than the animal system, why we are not able to see in the night? Slowly, slowly, we started moving away from the eyes. Even though you think you are seeing through the eyes, there is many layers of conditioning. That is why only when you feel hungry, you will see the restaurant boards.

Either you are taught, if you love you will be caught in bondage or if you love, it will lead to suffering. What was the formula taught to you about love, that is a very major important thing how your love is going to end. Please understand, if you are taught right formulas about love, you will not have conditioning. If you are taught wrong formulas about love, that very wrong formulas will not allow you to relax in love.

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