Friday, April 16, 2010

Using Love as a Gateway to Higher Consciousness

A Devotee's Experience

During our NSP in Chennai, it was as if we could see Swami in each one of us. The energy in the space was so high that there seemed to be no boundaries. We all used to meet even before the program, but it was strange to experience such profound connection with the devotees, each radiating energy. As we start getting in touch with the peace and clarity inside us, we start merging with others around us. There was no judgement, each one looked like a flower.

On the last day of the program, it was very sunny and warm. Soft clouds spread on the sky and cool breeze caressed us the way it would caress the flowers. As we were gathering for the evening session, it started raining heavily. At once, we were one with mother nature.

Life changed after the program, there was deep peace inside us. Even while talking, words emerged from a placid zone. It was becoming increasingly beautiful to the point of being unbelievable. Being good, nice and harmonious as a natural expression was becoming a way of life and not forced courtesy. There was no need to be alone in order to feel peaceful, and even the most difficult people seemed easier to handle. A new vitality had replaced all pervasive tiredness. The fear of not having enough for our fulfillment, the greed of possessing as much as we could gave way to an undercurrent of an unknown energy. It was then we realized that the journey to Chennai was infact a journey from lust to love. The constraints of being confined to our boundaries were no longer there and we learnt the secret of expanding.

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