Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Power of Words, Thoughts and Emotions

There is an interesting research by Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto who has studied the effects of thoughts and words on water. The results show clearly that even water responds clearly to our words, thoughts and feelings. Over 70%of our body is made up of water and 70% of planet Earth is covered with water. So you can imagine the power of words!

Japanese scientist , Dr. Masaru Emoto collected water samples from different sources and exposed them to various kinds of thoughts. Then he froze the samples and studied their crystalline structure through a microscope with the help of high-speed photography. Thousands of these crystals were studied under tightly regulated conditions of temperature, cooling time and lighting.

He did various experiments on these water samples, playing different types of music to the water, talking to the water, reading out from ancient life teachings, praying with a certain intention etc. He found that when the water samples were exposed to healing music, the water crystals that formed were very beautiful and graceful.

The water exposed to negative feelings or thoughts did not form crystals but rather an irregular structure which reflected the emotions of the person handling them.

You make me sick, I will kill You

Courtesy: Emoto

Another series of experiments was done to study the effect of words and sounds. The water used was distilled water. The water sample was divided into two parts and placed in different bottles, one labeled ‘Thank you’ and the other labeled ‘You are a fool’ in different languages such as English, Japanese and Korean.

After exposure to these labels, the frozen water samples when examined under the microscope showed a clear difference in the crystal structure. The water labeled ‘Thank you’ showed a beautiful, well-balanced crystal structure. The water labeled ‘You are a fool’ showed a very irregular, amorphous structure.

Water samples with negative labels like ‘You make me sick’ showed distorted and dispersed crystals. The water samples with positive labels like ‘love’, ‘appreciation’ and ‘peace’ showed beautiful and uniform crystal structures.

Even the tone of the words made a huge difference on the microscopic forms! For example, the collaborative words like ‘Let’s do it’ caused a very beautiful crystal structure compared to the crystals formed by the commanding words ‘Do it’.

A major component of our body is water. Planet earth is covered with over 70% water. After studying the effect of mental thoughts on water, just imagine the tremendous effect our thoughts, words and intentions have on the planet and us!

Imagine the effect of words of love on each of us then!

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